A black and white selfie of Kim Collins. She has brown hair pulled back into a bun and is smiling while looking directly at the camera.

A black and white selfie of Kim Collins. She has brown hair pulled back into a bun and is smiling while looking directly at the camera.

Kim Collins

Research Associate

Kim Collins is a Research Associate and SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow. She is currently working on several projects, including a Relaxed Performance Curriculum pilot that explores RP training across three disciplinary programs at three Ontario universities. Another project, Artistry Under the Table: Disabled Artists’ Livelihoods in Canada, examines the experiences of disabled, D/deaf, and mad artists—focusing on how they survive and thrive through their own artistic practices and in relation to communities of practice during austere times. Her postdoctoral research explores emotional and affective responses to climate change, with a specific focus on climate grief.